These are the main challenges facing retail traders today, challenges that up until now have not been addressed. Currently, retail traders wanting to trade across multiple platforms require a separate wallet for each exchange, and need to complete each exchange’s own registration and KYC process, which can be tedious, time consuming and frustrating. Once one has completed the arduous task of gaining access to multiple exchanges and learning to use various different interfaces one is still faced with the harsh reality that at whatever price you buy or sell on any exchange at any given time, best price can never be guaranteed and in the vast majority of cases, will be unachievable. Effectively navigating multiple exchanges and screens simultaneously in order to ensure top of book and best price is, at best logistically difficult, and at worst, practically impossible. LIQUIDITYONE solves all of these problems and more. LIQUIDITYONE provides its users with access to multiple markets through 1 registration process, 1 KYC, 1 wallet and 1 user interface, connecting the dots for the user so the user doesn’t have to himself. However, users do not just gain access to multiple exchanges in the same way that they did previously; through using LIQUIDITYONE’s advanced aggregation protocol and smart order routing system users are guaranteed the best price available – for larger orders, where necessary, the smart order routing system will go as far as to distribute the order across multiple exchanges simultaneously in order to achieve the optimum buy or sell price as required. Furthermore with just 1 wallet a user’s liquidity can easily be applied across exchanges without any need for a manual transfer. keyworks: ask, asset, best, bid, bitcoin, blockchain, broker, btc, buy, coin, crypto, cryptocurrency,digital, eth, ethereum, exchange, execution, fee, liquidityone, flow, global, liquidity, order, orderbook, price, router, routing, sell, smart, token, trade, trading